Hot Stamping Machine Control
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Slide Table Control(Auto)
The Slide Table Control (Auto) Function
controls the operation of a Automatic Slide Table.
The Automatic Slide Table with Guard allows the operator to use a foot
switch to operate the machine.
The Hot Stamping operates as follows:
1. Operator loads the part to be printed onto the fixture with
the slide in the out position.
2. Operator presses the foot switch.
3. The slide table moves to the in position.
4. The Hot Stamping Head moves to the print position.
5. The Hot Stamping Head stays down for the Print Time.
6. The Hot Stamping Head moves to the up position.
7. The slide stays in the in position for the slide in time.
8. The slide moves to the slide out position.
9. The operator removes the printed parts and places a new
part on the fixture.
10. If the operator holds down the foot switch the slide stays
out for the Slide out time.
11. The machine starts it's next cycle.
Note: If the operator moves the guard the Hot Stamping Head will move
to the up position then the
slide will move out position. To restart the machine the
operator must put the guard in the correct position
then press the Reset Button.